TOWN of ROOSEVELT Minutes of the REGULAR TOWN BOARD MEETING March 8, 2022 Timberland Lutheran Church, 20805 County Hwy H Barronett The meeting was called to order by Chairman Huber at 7:00 pm. Present: Lee Huber, Tyler Odden, Serena Fankhauser, Trish Miner, Wayne Romsos, Todd Coons, Cheryl Coons There was a motion by Tyler Odden, 2nd by Lee Huber, to accept the minutes from the previous regular meeting. MC Public Input Appoint new supervisor – Todd Coons is in attendance, and has voiced his interest in filling the open supervisor seat. He is a retired Ag teacher from California. Duties of the supervisor position were explained to him. After much discussion, there was a motion Lee Huber to nominate Todd Coons to fill the open supervisor seat, 2nd by Tyler Odden. MC After a vote, Todd Coons is appointed as town supervisor by a voice vote of the board, three ayes and zero no’s. Treasurer’s Report Cash on Hand as of February 28, 2022: $94,599.83 Clerk’s Report Checks # 8850-8866 in the amount of $8130.44 were presented for payment. There was a motion by Tyler Odden, 2nd by Lee Huber to pay bills as submitted. MC Old Business The town is out of sand/salt. Steve Madison will get one more load. New Business The spring newsletter was approved for mailing with a couple of price adjustments for cleanup day. After some discussion, the board has approved Steve Nordquist’s request that open book take place on May 6th from 10:00-12:00 and board of review on May 14th from 10:00-12:00 at the Timberland Lutheran Church. There was a motion by Lee Huber, 2nd by Tyler Odden, to keep liquor license fees the same. MC After much discussion, the board has granted permission to Erickson Excavating to operate their equipment on town roads to job sites, for emergency repairs, and snowplowing for calendar year 2022- until the office of town chairman changes, or is updated for other reasons. There was a motion by Lee Huber, 2nd by Tyler Odden, to adjourn the meeting at 7:50 pm. MC Announcements - Election, Tuesday, April 5th, 7am-8pm, Timberland Lutheran Church - The annual meeting will be Tuesday, April 19th @ 7 pm, followed by the monthly board meeting, at Timberland Lutheran Church. Respectfully submitted, Patricia Miner, Clerk Comments are closed.
January 2025
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