TOWN of ROOSEVELT Minutes of the REGULAR TOWN BOARD MEETING January 11, 2022 Timberland Lutheran Church, 20805 County Hwy H Barronett The meeting was called to order by Lee Huber at 7:00 pm. Present: Lee Huber, Tyler Odden (call in), Serena Fankhauser, Trish Miner, Steve Madison, Wayne Romsos, Sandi & Terry Johnson. Sarah Mclain, Joe Cremin Due to the chairman vacancy, a temporary chairman has to be nominated. There was a motion by Tyler Odden, 2nd by Lee Huber, to nominate Lee Huber as the temporary chairman. MC There was a motion by Tyler Odden, 2nd by Lee Huber, to accept the minutes from the previous regular meeting. MC Treasurer’s Report Cash on Hand as of December 31, 2021: $162,862.65 Clerk’s Report Checks # 8827-8835 in the amount of $66,691.34 were presented for payment. There was a motion by Lee Huber, 2nd by Tyler Odden, to pay bills as submitted. MC Old Business Lee Huber is wondering where we are at concerning the completion of the paperwork for reimbursement of funding for the Odden Rd LRIP project. The only thing left to turn in is a statement concerning culvert installation and extra gravel required to complete the project. New Business After much discussion concerning the chairman vacancy, the board will appoint a new chairman to fill the vacancy for the rest of this term, which will end in April 2023. Since there are only 2 board members the clerk is required to vote in the appointing process. There was a motion by Tyler Odden, 2nd by Trish Miner, to appoint Lee Huber as chairman for the Town of Roosevelt for the remainder of the 2021-2023 term. MC This now creates a supervisor vacancy which the board will try to fill in upcoming meetings. Sarah Mclain and Joe Cremin from Starwire Technology, are in attendance to explain to the board their plans for applying for a grant with the hope of expanding rural broadband in the Town of Roosevelt. The grant money would provide internet cable to every home in the township that wants it. Starwire is requesting a letter of support and a letter of partnership from the board that will be included with the grant application. They are also requesting a monetary contribution that would show that the township is in full support of Starwire’s plans to provide internet to the township. After much discussion, there was a motion by Lee Huber, 2nd by Tyler Odden, that every residence in the township is included in the project scope, that we complete a letter of support and a letter of partnership to Starwire Technology to be included with the grant application, and also included in the motion is that the board has approved a contribution of $10,000 of ARPA grant funds to Starwire Technology upon successful completion of the project, per the grants definition, if Starwire is awarded the grant. MC IT Tech – The clerk is asking to hire an IT tech for the township to help with the preparation for the implementation of the mandatory .gov email so the clerk will have access to the voter system website. Ken Busby has been recommended by the county clerk, and many of the Burnett County clerks have hired him to help set up their new email service. The board approved the hiring of Ken dependent upon his background information and pricing. The clerk will contact him. There was a discussion concerning Board of Review certification training. Lee Huber has agreed to attend the WTA District meeting virtually this year that does include training for Board of Review. At least one board member is required to be certified annually. Announcements The next monthly meeting will be Tuesday, February 8th @ 7 pm at Timberland Lutheran Church. Motion by Lee Huber, 2nd by Tyler Odden to adjourn the meeting at 8:13 pm. MC. Respectfully submitted, Patricia Miner, Clerk Comments are closed.
January 2025
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