TOWN of ROOSEVELT Minutes of the REGULAR TOWN BOARD MEETING December 13, 2022 Timberland Lutheran Church, 20805 County Road H, Barronett The meeting was called to order by Chairman Huber at 7:00 pm. Present: Todd Coons, Lee Huber, Trish Miner, Tyler Odden, Serena Fankhauser, Wayne Romsos There was a motion by Todd Coons, 2nd by Tyler Odden, to accept the minutes from the previous regular meeting. MC Treasurer’s Report Cash on Hand as of November 30, 2022: $120,916.80 Clerk’s Report Checks # 8953-8963 in the amount of $8,587.70 were presented for payment. There was a motion by Todd Coons, 2nd by Tyler Odden, to pay bills as submitted. MC Old Business Brush cutting was done by Madison Construction. During cutting some road signs were knocked over. Lee Huber has discussed this with Steve Madison, and the signs will get put back up. New Business Caucus date – The caucus for the township will be held January 10th at 7:00pm with the monthly board meeting to follow. There was a motion by Tyler Odden, 2nd by Lee Huber to adjourn the meeting at 7:19. MC Respectfully submitted, Patricia Miner, Clerk Comments are closed.
January 2025
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