TOWN of ROOSEVELT Minutes of the REGULAR TOWN BOARD MEETING August 17, 2021 Timberland Lutheran Church, 20805 County Road H, Barronett The meeting was called to order by Chairman Odden at 7:00 pm. Present: Greg Odden, Lee Huber, Trish Miner, Tyler Odden, Serena Fankhauser, Wayne Romsos Public Input - No input Approval of Minutes - There was a motion by Lee Huber, 2nd by Tyler Odden, to accept the minutes from the previous regular meeting. MC Treasurer’s Report Cash on Hand as of July 31, 2021: $96,867.26 Clerk’s Report Checks # 8782-8788 in the amount of $16,200.82 were presented for payment. There was a motion by Tyler Odden, 2nd by Lee Huber to pay bills as submitted. MC Old Business Greg Odden called Mike Hoefs during the meeting to have him update the board members on current LRIP projects. The funding cycle normally runs every 2 years. Since the Town of Roosevelt received funding last year, the municipality is not eligible for this round of funding. New Business In the past Board of Review training was required every 2 years, but starting in January 2022, board of review training will be an annual requirement. Training is typically done at the Wisconsin Towns Association annual meeting. At least one board member must be trained annually. Burnett County will do the brush cutting for the municipality this winter. They will also fill in the holes in the blacktop on Timberland Rd. Announcements The September meeting will be held on Tuesday September 14th at 7:00pm. There was a motion by Tyler Odden, 2nd by Lee Huber to adjourn the meeting at 7:40. MC Respectfully submitted, Patricia Miner, Clerk Comments are closed.
January 2025
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