TOWN of ROOSEVELT Minutes of the REGULAR TOWN BOARD MEETING December 11, 2024 Timberland Lutheran Church, 20805 County Road H, Barronett The meeting was called to order by Chairman Huber at 7:01 pm.
Present: Todd Coons, Lee Huber, Becca Odden, Tyler Odden (via phone), Serena Fankhauser, Wayne Romsos, Steve Madison, Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Becker, James Pearson There was a motion by Lee Huber, 2nd by Todd Coons to accept the minutes from the Town Levy/Budget meeting. MC There was a motion by Lee Huber, 2nd by Todd Coons, to accept the minutes from the previous regular meeting. MC Treasurer’s Report Cash on Hand as of November 30, 2024: $194,879.88 Clerk’s Report Checks # 9237-9251 in the amount of $7996.63 were presented for payment. Rebecca Odden reported that she connected with County Zoning about to start the discussion about rezoning a few of the properties within the township. She also reported that she is still looking for election workers for the 2025 elections. There was a motion by Lee Huber, 2nd by Todd Coons, to accept the report and pay bills as submitted.MC Old Business After some discussion, the board decided to have the town road brush cut from north to south every other year. New Business Mr. Jerry Becker represented the Pearson Buck Shot in Roosevelt Township east of Indian Creek on August 28,1937. Mr. Becker is working with Siren Village Board and Chamber to fundraise and build a life-like replica. Mr. Becker was hoping that the town would donate toward the statue. After the presentation and some discussion, the board was in favor of pledging a donation after more information about the total price was determined. Mr. James Pearson, a private forester, assessed the town’s timber on 80 acres for a timber sale. It was his recommendation that it would be a selective cut on the parcel. After some discussion, the motion was made by Lee Huber to enter into an agreement with Jim Pearson and Travis Krizan Trucking for a selective cut on the town’s 80 acre parcel, 2nd by Todd Coons. MC Caucus date – The caucus for the township will be held January 8th at 7:00pm with the monthly board meeting to follow. Three bartender licenses were reviewed. Lee Huber made a motion to approve the bartender licenses for Timberland Tavern, 2nd by Todd Coons. MC. There was a motion by Tyler Odden, 2nd by Lee Huber to adjourn the meeting at 8:42. MC Respectfully submitted, Rebecca Odden, Clerk Comments are closed.
January 2025
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